Community Service Hours
Performing community service is a wonderful way for our middle school students to contribute to and learn about the community. The following guidelines are designed to help parents and students understand the procedures for performing community service and recording hours.
General Guidelines
• Middle school students must perform 30 community service hours in each school year.
• A minimum of 15 hours should be performed, recorded, and submitted to the Health Office by January 10th, 2025. There will be an incentive given for those students who turn in 15 hours by January 10th.
• The total 30 hours should be completed by May 16th, 2025. Presidential service hours are due by April 11th, 2025.
• Hours can be performed during school breaks/holidays. Hours performed during the summer will be assigned to the following fall semester.
Community Service Opportunities
• Students may earn community service hours at any event where they serve others within the community. All community service must be outside of student’s own household.
• If a parent is unsure if a particular activity is appropriate he/she should contact Mrs. Moeckel.
• For an Event Organized by the School: Students should take the community service form to the event and ask school event coordinator to sign it.
• For Other Events: Parents take children to an event located within the community. Students should take the community service form to the event and ask the event coordinator to sign it. Parents cannot sign in place of the event coordinator.
• If the event coordinator is unavailable, please take a photo of your child at the event and submit it with your child’s hours.
Community Leadership Class and Scholar Ambassador Program
• 8th grade students enrolled in Community Leadership will be provided opportunities to work toward their 30 hours through events in the class. All 30 hours will not be met through this one course alone. Please contact Mrs. Courtney for any questions.
• Scholar Ambassadors who do not leave the program during the school year will obtain 7.5 hours, per semester, through the program. Please contact Mrs. Shorter or Mrs. Courtney with any questions.
Recording of Hours on the Community Service Logs
• Community Service Logs should be turned in to the Health Office.
• All categories on Community Service Log must be completed for an event. Incomplete Logs will not be accepted.
• Parents cannot sign in place of an event coordinator.